Mould is not always visible – it can be hidden in not so obvious places such as hidden in wall
cavities and ceiling voids, under and behind heavy furniture or in storage areas that are
infrequently used. But there are other signs apart from visible mould that can indicate you have
a mould issue in your home or office and that you might want to consider further investigation.
1. Unexplained Smells
Most people are familiar with the common smells that go with mould affected rooms & houses,
but did you know mould can smell like different things to different people? ‘Damp’ or ‘wet sock’
are common descriptions, as are ‘musty’ or ‘earthy’ but sometimes mould can smell like
cigarette smoke or even be described as ‘tangy’. If you have a strange smell in your house that
you can’t pinpoint, this may be a sign you have mould – even if you can’t visually find any mould,
it can still be present. Sometimes hidden in wall cavities or hard to reach places like the
undersides of couches or under carpets.
2. Seasonal Allergies Turn Into Year-Round Allergies
Springtime brings with it warm weather and a swarm of activity with insects and animal life
bustling. It also brings with it pollen and dust and other dreaded particles that cause hay fever
sufferers constant sneezing, coughing and eye irritation. These same symptoms can also be a
result of mould exposure. Have you noticed yourself or other family members suffering from
seasonal allergies suddenly turn into year-round allergies? This may be an indication there is a
source of mould in your property that needs investigation and treatment.
Everyone has different levels of mould sensitivity, so while you may not be feeling the effects, if
someone in your family is complaining of constant allergy-like symptoms, recurring cold or flu
symptoms, you may want to consider that there could be mould in your home or work place.
3. Brain Fog, Lethargy, Headaches
Mould affects everyone differently and is related to a person’s immune system. Certain kinds of
moulds can produce toxic by-products that are invisible and can only be detected through
expensive tests. One of the lesser known symptoms associated with exposure to mould toxins
is lethargy, brain fog and headaches. If you’ve been noticing a lack of energy, headaches or
difficulty concentrating – this could be associated with mould exposure.
4. Poor Air Conditioner Performance
Noticed that your Air Conditioner is not keeping your house as cool as it used to? Maybe it’s
staying on for long periods of time just to keep the temperature at a comfortable level? Air
Conditioner units are prime spots for mould to grow. Low light levels, high moisture levels and
lots of nooks & crannies for dust to collect – all make for a perfect home for mould. They also
can provide access for mould to reach other areas of your home.
Regular cleaning and servicing to your Air Conditioner is a preventative measure for mould in
your home. Ensure your Air Conditioner unit is running in good condition so that it helps you
control temperature and humidity – both key factors in preventing mould.
5. Paint Peeling? Wallpaper Bubbling?
A house doesn’t last forever and degradation of building materials is inevitable especially in
high-use areas such as doors and cabinets. But maybe you’ve noticed some strange patches of
paint work peeling or cracking. Maybe wallpaper or paint is starting to bubble in places. This
could be an indication of moisture build up – condensation, slow or fast water leaks from
damaged roofs, windows or pipes. Moisture is a precursor to mould and should be addressed
as soon as possible to prevent mould growth. General maintenance and cleaning is a part of
any home and forms a large part of mould prevention.